In a contest between the will and the imagination, the imagination usually wins. While relying on willpower to achieve your goals requires great energy, employing the imagination is easy and can be fun. Are you imagining, visualizing success, health and happiness for yourself? Or are you busy visualizing problems? Hypno-Meditation can help you plant helpful images.
Those organs and parts of the body which we can control by the exercise of will or volition are under the jurisdiction of the conscious mind, working through the brain. This part of your mind is very much at your command. In fact, many times it commands you. Willpower is the function of the conscious mind. When fully alert inclined to over-analysis while problem solving. This can often lead to unproductive results such as avoidance, indecision, refusal to take action and excessive anxiety.
When we are asleep we are unconscious-the conscious mind becomes unconscious or inactive. Any movements or action that we perform while asleep are caused by the subconscious mind, dreams also are stirred up by subconscious activity. But during natural sleep, the subconscious as well as the conscious mind are inaccessible from the outside. The conscious mind is the door to the subconscious mind.
One of the duties of the subconscious mind is the control of the body mechanism, working through the brain. It is something like a thermostat. One part of the brain regulates the autonomic nervous system and through it controls every organ and gland. Probably the subconscious is able to control chemical and electrical reactions as well. Hypnotic experiments have been made which scientifically prove the control by the subconscious of many such mechanisms.
By hypnotic suggestion circulation of the blood can be controlled, heart beat slowed or speeded up, action of organs and glands changed, the rate of healing of a wound or injury greatly increased, body temperature lowered or raised. Many other body changes can be induced through hypnotic suggestion.
If we expect to influence the subconscious with the aim of self-benefit, it is important to understand the way it works. At times it seems to be some what childish and immature. It takes everything entirely literally. Often we do not say what we really mean. For instance a commonly used phrase is “that makes me mad”. We mean that we are angry, but we are actually saying that we have become insane.
Many people experience illness or conditions that are directly related to body language (“that person is a pain in the neck”, “I can’t swallow that”, “I can’t bear it,” “I can’t stand it”
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