Many a time, intestinal gas is a cause for humor. But for the person who experiences gas in a public place, it is no longer a laughing matter.
As many as 30 to 40 percent of people experience bloating and gas, which they attribute to gastric trouble. Most of the patients even refrain complaining about flatulence, excessive belching, increased intestinal gas and bloating to the physician, as they are embarrassed. Our intestines cannot digest everything we eat. The leftovers are passed on the colon. The processing or fermentation of leftover carbohydrates by the colonic bacteria leads to the formation of intestinal gas.
While it may appear that some people pass too much gas compared to others, there may not be any different in the amount of gas produced in the complainers and the non-complainers. It is just that some people are more sensitive and feel it more than others do.
Several factors cause people to swallow air. For instance, if dentures do not fit well, the person tends to swallow more saliva, which carries air bubbles with it. If the patient has post-nasal discharge, then he tends to swallow more often, carrying more air to the stomach. Smoking a cigar or pipe may also increase the amount of saliva produced and swallowed, contributing to excess gas.
Some patients have habit of belching frequently. To do this, they swallow air, which they then belch. Unfortunately, the patient is never able to belch out all of the swallowed air, thus producing intestinal gas. Rapid eating increases the amount of air that people swallow. Gum chewing and sucking on hard candies also increases the amount of air swallowed. Avoid carbonated drinks. Some gas is also created as the carbonated drink enters the mouth.
However, the most common source of intestinal gas is beans. Beans cause gas, as the body cannot digest the complex sugars they contain. These starches pass into intestine, where they become food to the bacteria present there. While they use the starch is food, gas is passed as a by-product. Similarly, milk is gas formatting in adults. Incomplete digestion of milk can lead to gas, stomach cramps, bloating and diarrhea. Certain medicines like narcotics, calcium channel blockers slow the gut, and may lead to gas being trapped in the bowel, due to slow movement.
In ayurveda, flatulence is called as Aadhmaana. Treatment modalities include measures to promote deepana (by carminatives), paachana (by digestives) and vaataanulomana (by gas expellers)
• Drink a cup of warm water with two drops of peppermint (pudina), cinnamon (daalchini) or ginger extract.
• Dried ginger and ajwan in equal weights should be steeped in double the quantity of lime-juice, dried with warm water as and when needed.
• Tie two handfuls of bajra and a handful of crystal-salt in a bag, warm it over the hot plate and foment the abdomen.
• IF the sufferer is a child, you can apply a pad of cotton wool or cloth steeped in hot water, in which asafetida has been dissolved? Alternately, one part of turpentine oil and two parts of castor oil can be applied over the abdomen in lukewarm condition. Warmed castor leaves can also be wrapped over the abdomen.
• Prepare a compound powder by taking equal parts of fried asofoetida (hing), black-salt (souvarcha lavana), cardamom (elaichi), ginger (sonth) and Solanumxanthcorpum (kantakaari). Take in doses of 3 to 5 grams
• Mixture of two parts of celery seed (ajamoda) and one part of fennel seeds (suanf) and sugar, taken in does of half to one teaspoonful, helps relieve flatulence.
• For children, there is an user friendly preparation to use. Take fine powder of 5 parts of rutagraveolens (sadaab), 4 parts of celery seeds (ajamoda), 3 parts of mint (pudina), 1 part of saffron, 2 parts of black peppr, and 10 parts of honey. Keep in fresh bottle and use as and when required, in a dose of one to half teaspoonful.
• The common prescription for flatulence consists of Hingwaashtaka choorna in a dose of one teaspoonful, twice daily, mixed with one teaspoonful of ghee, followed by hot water. Also, taking Kumaari aasava in a dose of 20ml, twice daily after food with an equal quantity of warm water, improves the condition.
• Don’t eliminate all the gas producing foods at once. Instead, avoid one food at a time.
• Dentures should be fitted properly.
• If you’ve post-nasal discharge, then you should take treatment for the same.
• Slow down when you eat, avoid gulping food and chew each bite thoroughly. Don’t talk while eating.
• Avoid drinking through straws or narrow-mouthed bottled. Use a glass or cup instead.
• Don’t lie down immediately after eating. Sit for a while.
• Eliminate carbonated beverages from your diets. Remember that beer also contains gas.
• Cut down on fatty meats.
• Exercise regularly. Reduce undue mental stress. Yoga Is a good option.
• Don’t use synthetic drugs. Self-medication Is dangerous.
• Be cautious about ‘recycled’ restaurant tea, as it irritates the inning of intestines, thereby forming gas.
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