Ancient scholars of Ayurveda knew Diabetes Mellitus some 3,000 years ago. The association of frequent urination with a sweet tasting substance in the urine was first reported in Charaka Samhita, the ancient Ayurvedic classic.
Allopathic drugs like insulin, sulphonylureas, biguanides have definitely helped in controlling the blood sugar levels and improving the quality of life but none of them has been unequivocally successful in maintaining normal glucose levels and avoiding later stage complications of diabetes. About 15 to 20 percent of patients with newly diagnosed non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus have little or no response to sulphonylureas and with each year of treatment, about 3-5 per cent of the patients, who have achieved better acceptable glycogenic control, lose their responsiveness. Biguanides therapy is associated with lactic blood disorders, water retention, and several others.
In spite of all the advances in therapeutics, diabetes still remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the world. As per the available data, there are at least 20 million diabetics in India.
There are foods and herbs, with a have a specific role in the treatment of diabetes.
1. Bitter gourd (karela): This has a long history as food and medicine. The fruit and seeds of this plant contain most active blood sugar-lowering components. This as it closely an active principle called charantin, which is sometimes called plant insulin, as it closely resembles insulin from cows (Bovine insulin). For better therapeutic benefits, extract juice from four to five karelas every morning and take of a decoction. You can even prepare a curry. However, remember not fry in oil or add sugar to this vegetable to counteract bitter taste; otherwise, the therapeutic benefits may be lost.
2. Honey: Since honey consists of velulose, it is not harmful in diabetes. Honey has antibacterial and antimicrobial activity due to enzymatic ally-liberated hydrogen peroxide. Some diabetics feel that they only need to stop taking sugar and honey to control diabetes. However, it is best for patients to know the daily ratio of sugar or honey. This ratio should not be taken at one time, but should be reasonably distributed throughout the day. One teaspoonful of honey provides 20 Kcal of energy; you are allowed to take one teaspoonful of honey per day. After a mixed meal, the stomach empties slowly. Therefore, honey eaten a meal, will not raise blood sugar as much as when taken on an empty stomach.
3. Garlic : The Indian journal of Experimental Biology, few years ago published the anti-diabetic effects of S-Ally Cysteine Sulphoxide (allicin) isolated from garlic. Garlic has been used as a traditional dietary supplement for diabetes in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Preliminary studies in rabbits, rats and limited numbers of people have demonstrated that garlic has some ability to lower blood sugars. More research in this area is needed. (See Notes regarding some concern about using garlic with certain diabetes medications.). Eat 2 – 4 cloves of raw garlic everyday and you can keep the risks at bay. If it is too strong for you to take, there are garlic pills with or without odour.
4. Custard applie leaves: A recent study reveals that 2-5 newly emerged leaves with 75mg of long pepper if taken for 3-6 weeks, lowers blood sugar levels effectively.
5. Neem leaves: Neem is an age old remedy and does not require a trip to stores. It is easily available anywhere. Leaves made into juice or paste can be taken internally to lower blood sugar.
6. Cabbage: A recent study reveals the anti-diabetic effects of cabbage in streptozolo diabetes in rats. The fascinating point is that this is as effective as insulin. As anafternoon snack, eat a cup of cooked cabbage. It is low calorie, anti-cancer, fibre filled food that lowers your excess sugar naturally
7. Turmeric: Ayurveda recommends turmeric as an exclusive remedy for diabetes. It is more effective if taken with an equal amount of amla powder. The Indian journal Pharmacology concludes in a study that the fine powder of turmeric has blood sugar lowering effects.
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