1) Repetition 2) Identification 3) Authority
4) Intense Emotion 5) Hypnosis 6)Hypno Meditation (HM)
Repetition is improtant to influence the subconscious. Practicing is an example of using repetition to implant material into the subconscious persist with your suggestions over and over again with quietness but determination until you have a sense of completeness. It is time consuming.
Identificatoin :- likewise takes time. You tend to become like the people with whom, you identify. Therefore, choose to identify with the winners. See yourself as a valued colleague of the people you admire. See them applauding you. Start thinking of yourself as already successful in the field to which you aspire.
Authority :-may work faster depending on the degree of belief in that authortiy and emotional concomitants.
Intense emotion :- can influence your subconsious immediately.
One intense experience can can have permanent effect. For example, a child bitten by a dog can become fearful of all dogs.
Strong emotional attractions will attract whatever you love, hate or fear. Calm and relaxed attitudes have the ability to attract or release according to our intention.
Hypnosis is not fast but it can be induced at will to produce predetermined results. The only problem with hypnosis is that you need a hypnotist (the operator) to work on you (the subject)
With active Hypno-Meditation, you can achieve the same result as with hypnosis or better, that too, all by yourself. You can combine some of he aforementioned methods/principles with Hypno-Meditation for powerful and fast results.
Parents, teachers, religious figures, leaders and doctors, have the ability to influence your subconsious because of the factors of identification, authority repettion and possibly also that of intense emotion. It is now recognized that words spoken in the delivery or operating room affect the subconsious mind.
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