Saturday, December 4, 2010


“A sexually excited partner is the aphrodisiac par excellence,” says Charaka Samhita. “When the desired sense objects yield great pleasure even if singly experienced by the senses, then what need be said of women in whom the delectable objects of all the senses, viz., shabda (sound), (touch), roopa (visual form), rasa (taste) and gandha (smell) are found established together? Such a combination of the enjoyable objects of all the sense is found only in woman and nowhere else. The woman who is good looking, the fine arts, acts as the best aphrodisiac.”

Charaka Samhita further describes the excellence of women, “People in the world have different types of likings. If by fortune or effort a person gets a woman of his liking, then his appearance and other qualities improve. Similarly, for a woman, the feminine qualities are enhanced on finding a suitable man. The woman who is excellent in terms of age, beauty, voice and affectionate movements enters the heart quickly and is like celebration. A woman who has a mind and psyche similar to her male partner is submissive (vasya), pleased with what he likes (kamma, the god of sex) and is like noose for all the senses due to her excellent qualities. Separated from this woman, the man feels restless and does not finding her he is no more subdued with grief, agitation, restlessness or fear ; finding her he feels solace and seeing her, he is exhilarated and meets her sexually ever fresh due to his strong sexual urges, and even when he has frequent intercourse he does not get contented.


While sexual capacities are instinctive, human being must learn to engage in sexual acts and to experience sexual feelings in certain personal and socially acceptable ways. The natural expression of the sexual impulse is greatly modified before and during marriage by social, economic, religious and cultural forces, acting in different ways in different societies. It is not proper to assume a uniform pattern of sexual behaviour common to all human beings; in fact the range and diversity of human sexuality is its most significant feature. Charaka fully appreciated this fact, as is evident from the following citations from Charaka Samhita:

“There are men who are great in size and strength but feeble in sexual capacity. Some are small in size and strength but powerful sexually. There are some who mate with female many times like sparrows, while others, though not mating many times, are given to copious seminal discharge like an elephant.”

If sexual behaviour and its physiology and pathology are to be discussed In a realistic way, account must be taken of the modifying forces by which sexual urge is controlled, diverted or distorted. This is evident from the following passages of Charaka Samhita: “Some men get invigorated by the season, some get steadied by constant practice, some maintain their virility by means of aphrodisiac preparations and some are virile by nature. The sexual stamina and quantity of semen get diminshed by anxiety, old age, disease, strain of physical work, starvation and excessive sexual indulgence. By fear, suspicion, grief, seeing deformities of a woman, lack of response in the woman, abstention from sex, and just after full sexual enjoyment, a man is rendered incapable of mating with a woman.”

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