Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Next to the need for food, water an sleep, the sexual urge is the most powerful biological drive. This dominant sex instinct, so essential to the survival of the species, is one of the main springs of human motivation, and its fulfilment or frustration is closely bound up with human happiness or misery. The importance of this aspect of human life is duly recognised by Charaka, the ancient ayurvedic scholar by assigning a complete section of the Charaka Samhita to vaajeekarana or virilification. According to Charaka, “it is a therapy which enables one to approach women in an unrestricted manner, endowing him with great strength and robustness, like that of a stallion, makes one greatly endearing to women, increases one’s proportions and strength, causes the seminal secretion even in the aging to remain undiminshed and fertile, and enables a man to have excellent offsprings.”


The primary objective of ayurvedic sexual medicine is procreation. Recreation is always secondary to it. In this perspective, Charaka Samhita says, “Aperson of self-restraint should always seek aphrodisiac measures because righteousness (dharma), wealth (arhta), affection (preethi) and fame (yasas) are dependent on the maintenance of healthy manhood. A person gets these benefits through his progeny and the aphrodisiac therapy enables him to procreate children.”


The three major biological components of the living body (metabolic principles) called tridosha, which govern all the physical and mental functions of the body, are responsible for different aspects of sexual expression. The equilibrium of these tridosha is essential for sexual fulfilment.

Vaata controls movement, and in the context of sexuality, vaata is responsible for the sex act and secual retention. If vaata is aggravted, both the sexual act and retention are affect adversely. One feels fatigued and breathless rather quickly, and the power of retention is considerably diminshed.

Pitta dosha controls celluar metabolism, subtle level, energy at gross level and is responsible for sexual vigour. An imbalance of pitta leads to a lack of initiative for sexual activity. It gives rise to all those problems that make one sexually less desirable. It may give rise to body odours, sweating and thickening of the skin, rashes, acne, herpes etc.

Kapha which controls structure, is responsible for sexual portency. Vitiation of this dosha leads to diminished or abnormal sexual excretions. This may give rise to abnormal progeny or sterility.

For a healthy secual life, one needs to balance of all these tridoshas.

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